A PLN can help and hinder the development of thoughts.

On one hand, with the help of PLN, one can access information from different channels and learn about various perspectives. For example, one can follow anyone on Twitter whether he/she is the president, an expert, or simply a colleague. When some sensational social affairs happen, everyone may hold his/her own view. Different views can inspires us and encourages us to see things from others’ perspectives. What’s more, a PLN made up of people from all walks of life can present expertise of many fields, which can further enrich one’s knowledge and deepen one’s thoughts. The information shared by the experts of a PLN is precious because it can not be learned in classrooms and often is concluded from personal experience. PLN can not only introduce us to different views but also expose us to precious expertise.

On the other hand, PLN allows people to find others who have the same interest or position. For example, a gourmet may follow online celebrities who post videos of cooking; a republican may follow people who post supportive comments about the Republicans. People psychologically tend to win others’s recognition and acknowledgement, so they may be easily attracted by the content which is in line with their positions. This process is risky because people can be trapped by the homogenous content, which prevents them from receiving different opinions and presenting more inclusiveness. Once people are stuck in the so-called filter bubble, they may hold hostility towards different opinions, which may contribute to conflicts and extremism.


Digital Media Literacy: How Filter Bubbles Isolate You. (n.d.). GCFGlobal.Org. Retrieved June 20, 2021, from https://edu.gcfglobal.org/en/digital-media-literacy/how-filter-bubbles-isolate-you/1/

Green, T. D., & Green, P. J. (2023). Developing and Maintaining Your Personal Learning Network: Using Social Media and Other Digital Tools in Education (1st ed.). Routledge.